Exposure to Pesticides in Lice Treatment may raise heart disease death risk by 50 percent
LICE LIFTERS TREATMENT takes that risk away
Lice Lifters Treatment Centers and Lice Lifters Product line have been around for 12 years. We have always been all-natural and proven to eliminate head lice. Over the years we have witnessed the ineffectiveness of the OTC products as well as their potential dangers to your health. We have seen studies proving cancer, seizures and even death. And now heart disease.
December 2019, the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, reported that higher levels of 3-phenoxybenzoic acid in those exposed to pyrethroid-based products contribute to roughly 50% increase in their risk for death from cancer and or cardiovascular disease. These dangerous chemicals have been used for over 40 years in the United States in lice treatment products and other pest control sprays.
Unfortunately everyone is exposed to some level of these dangerous pesticides. They are used by farmers, in our foods, drainage in our water supply as well as in general household gardening. We can’t get away from all chemicals in our daily life, but we can when it comes to Lice Treatment. Not only are the pesticides in Lice Treatment products dangerous, but lice are resistant to them. So why risk your life when over the counter treatment products no longer work?
Lice Lifters Treatment Centers and Product line has taken this dangerous risk away. Lice Lifters treatment is all-natural with no chemicals, toxins or pesticides. They can get rid of your lice with no risk to your health! Lice Lifters Treatment Centers service PA, NJ, DE, FL and TX. If you cannot find a location near you go to Amazon to purchase our products to use safely in your home. www.LiceLifters.com