Lice or Dandruff that is the Question?
Dandruff and Lice are the two most popular reasons we are left scratching our heads. One of the most popular questions we get at Lice Lifters Treatment Center is “how can I tell if it is lice or dandruff?” We also find that medical professionals often misdiagnose as well. Lice and dandruff are very different but both can make our heads itchy!
Head lice are parasites that feed off human blood and their eggs/nits need to be close to the scalp for warmth in order to hatch. Lice can easily transfer to another head just by strands of hair touching and is contagious. On the other hand dandruff is a skin condition on the scalp that leaves flaky skin on the hair shaft. Dandruff is non-contagious.
How can I tell the difference?
There are differences between lice/nits and dandruff, but number one thing we ask Lice Lifters clients is “does the white speck move?” We suggest using a blow dryer and see if the speck moves. Nits are glued on the hair shaft and have to be scraped off dandruff easily moves if you blow on it.
Determining whether it is dandruff or lice can be difficult but by following the above chart should make it easier. The best way to be 100% sure is to go to Lice Lifters for a combing head check. We are always available for questions (484)368–3383. Find the closest Lice Lifters Treatment Center near you today. We also offer at home treatment products that work and are available at our treatment centers or Amazon. We work with the whole family to become lice free. Remember OTC products (Nix and Rid) no longer work lice are resistant to the pesticides.