Spring Time Spike in Lice Outbreaks
It’s typical to see a surge of lice outbreaks at specific times throughout the year and after spring break is a peak time. Spring break is a peak time for head lice because lice are spread mostly through head-to-head contact and sharing personal items that go on the head. This is the beginning of the lice cycle which spikes again just in time for the return to school in the fall. If we can offer helpful tips for detection and prevention now, we can help keep kids in school and parents at work.
Spring is the start of helmet season. Baseball, softball, lacrosse and bike helmets are a catalyst for head lice. This is also the time that kids are getting together with cousins for holiday parties and head-to-head contact is in abundance. Every get together is filled with group pictures, selfies and heads touching looking at hand held devices.
Lice Lifters® Treatment Center & Retail Stores feature Natural Treatment & Prevention Products. We offer the best treatment in the greater Philadelphia area, New Jersey, Delaware, Florida and Texas. Our treatment eliminates lice and nits in One Quick Treatment. The one-time treatment is guaranteed to work if you are concerned come in and we will take care of everything. We have parents come in who have been fighting lice for months using different chemicals or home remedies without luck and finally come in to get professional help. They are so grateful and wished they would have come to Lice Lifters first.
To help parents fight lice this spring break. Here are some helpful tips:
· For shoulder length hair, tie hair back in a bun or a braid (pulling hair back narrows the target and lessons the risk of hair-to-hair contact)
· Never share brushes or hair accessories
· Kids should have their own helmet for baseball or softball. Your name should be clearly marked so no one mistakes your helmet for their own
· Avoid head to head contact in pictures, selfies and looking at phones/computers.
· Use our Lice Lifters® Mint Detangler spray as a deterrent
We recommend families to come to Lice Lifters for a head check if any evidence of lice or nits. Lice can be anywhere on the head; concentrating at the crown of the head, on the sides of the head, at the nape of the neck or behind the ears. Small red bumps, similar to a heat rash, on the neck or behind the ears may be evidence of an infestation. “The best way to prevent the spread of lice is to detect it early and inform others that might have come in contact with the lice to also check their children.“